Monday 22 July 2013

This are some of the minor things that you should avoid in your CV and that can cost you big time.
a)Funny email addresses: - It may look sexy or swag but the recruiter reads immaturity and may conclude that you are not aware of the job you are applying for.
 b)Pictures on your RESUME: please picture will do you good if they are in facebook ,photo album,wallet etc but DON'T put photos in your CVs.
c)Grammatical Errors: This sends the wrong signal to the recruiter. If you cant proof a two-page document for yourself, how will you write a report for a huge project?
d)Using Spouse or Sibling as reference: Using your sibling or spouse is just not professional.
e)Wrong contacts: Before sending the CV , just make sure that the contact numbers and email addresses are reachable.
f)Very Lengthy RESUME :Nobody has the time to read a 10 page CV. 2 page CV is always fine.


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